Starting big is common, but finishing strong is exceptional. Few leaders dare to persist until the end and emerge victorious.


Starting big is common, but finishing strong is exceptional. Few leaders dare to persist until the end and emerge victorious. Learn the new leadership skills necessary to finish strong and yes, victorious!

Training Program: Leadership Skills Accelerator 2.0

Code: AMB-106

Modules: 24 modules

Duration: 24-26 weeks (3 hours per week)

Total Training Hours: 72 hours of training

Training Style: Blended learning (In-Person and Online Training Mix)

Feedback & Updates: 3 reports sent to employer

Exam: Final Presentation of learned application

Diploma: Executive Leadership Certification

Language: French or English

Price: $7,295.00


Embark on a transformative personal and professional growth journey with our 24-week Leadership Skills Accelerator 2.0 training program. This is your opportunity to upgrade and refresh your leadership skills, mastering effective communication, presentation, and innovative thinking. By joining us, you’ll learn to thrive under pressure, accept responsibilities, and resolve conflicts with agility. You’ll cultivate an entrepreneurial spirit, build trust, and hone analytical wisdom. Stay ahead by anticipating trends and harnessing technology to lead with precision and impact. Unlock your full leadership potential today and see the difference it can make in your career and organization. 

  • All Supervisors
  • Office Managers
  • Assistant Managers
  • Team Leaders
  • Project Managers
  • Sales Manager
  • Public Relation Reps
  • Social Media 
Leadership 2.0 Diagram


Welcome to our 24-week Leadership Skills Accelerator 2.0! Over six months, we empower leaders of small to medium-sized organizations with modern leadership skills. You’ll embark on a personal and professional growth journey guided by interactive sessions, practical exercises, and real-world case studies. This isn’t just a training program; it’s a mindset makeover that will transform you into a more decisive, resilient leader. Don’t miss this opportunity to unlock your full leadership potential and advance your career. Enroll in our Leadership Skills Accelerator 2.0 today!

Key Learning Points

  • Enhanced Communication Skills: Learn to articulate ideas effectively, influence stakeholders, and inspire action through clear and compelling communication strategies.
  • Adaptive Leadership: Develop the agility to navigate change and uncertainty, turning challenges into opportunities for growth and innovation.
  • Conflict Resolution Mastery: Acquire the skills to address conflicts swiftly and constructively, fostering a culture of collaboration and harmony within your team.
  • Entrepreneurial Mindset Cultivation: Cultivate an entrepreneurial spirit, embracing calculated risk-taking and innovative thinking to drive business success.
  • Trust-Building Techniques: Master building trust and fostering solid and reliable relationships with team members, clients, and stakeholders.
  • Strategic Decision-Making: Learn to analyze complex situations, weigh options, and make informed decisions aligned with organizational goals and objectives.
  • Resilience and Adaptability: Build resilience to overcome setbacks and challenges, maintaining focus and momentum in adversity.
  • Visionary Leadership: Develop a clear vision for the future and inspire others to rally behind it, leading your team towards shared goals and aspirations.
  • Effective Problem-Solving: Hone your problem-solving skills, leveraging analytical thinking and creative problem-solving techniques to address business challenges effectively.
  • Technology Integration: Discover how to leverage cutting-edge technology tools and platforms to enhance leadership effectiveness, communication, and organizational performance.


Section I - Foundation of Leadership Skills Development

MODULE 1: Mastering Communication Excellence 

SPEAK WITH IMPACT – The Art of Persuasive Communication 

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Develop the ability to communicate ideas clearly and persuasively.



     1. Crafting compelling messages tailored to your audience.

     2. Utilizing body language and vocal techniques for impactful delivery

     3. Active listening strategies to enhance understanding and rapport. 


TRAINING OUTCOME: Enhanced communication skills for influencing and inspiring others.                                                                                                            APPLICABLE ASSIGNMENT: Prepare and deliver a persuasive presentation on a relevant topic.                                                                                                        SKILL DEVELOPMENT: (A) Public Speaking, (B) Active Listening,  (C) Message Crafting.

MODULE 2: Navigating Change and Adaptability

EMBRACE CHANGE – Thriving in a Dynamic Environment

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Cultivate adaptability to navigate change effectively. 



     1. Understanding the psychology of change and its impact on individuals and organizations.

     2. Strategies for embracing change and leveraging it as an opportunity for growth.

     3. Building resilience to overcome setbacks and challenges. 


TRAINING OUTCOME: Enhanced ability to navigate change with resilience and agility in real-time situations or simulated environments. 

APPLICABLE ASSIGNMENT: Develop a personal resilience plan outlining strategies for managing change within the role they occupy.

SKILL DEVELOPMENT: (A) Change management, (B) resilience building, (C) adaptability.


MODULE 3: Conflict Resolution Mastery

RESOLVE WITH GRACE: Strategies for Constructive Conflict Resolution

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Acquire skills to address conflicts constructively and maintain team cohesion.



     1. Identifying the root causes of conflicts and understanding different conflict styles.

     2. Techniques for facilitating constructive dialogue and finding win-win solutions.

     3. Building trust and fostering collaboration to prevent future conflicts. 


TRAINING OUTCOME: Improved ability to resolve conflicts and maintain team harmony.

APPLICABLE ASSIGNMENT: Role-play scenarios to practice conflict resolution techniques.

SKILL DEVELOPMENT: (A) Conflict Resolution, (B) Facilitation,  (C) Trust-Building.


MODULE 4: Cultivating an Entrepreneurial Mindset

THINK LIKE AN ENTREPRENEUR: Driving Innovation and Growth

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Develop an entrepreneurial
mindset to drive innovation and business success.



  1. Understanding the principles of entrepreneurship and the importance of risk-taking.
  2. Cultivating a culture of innovation within your team or organization.
  3. Strategies for identifying and capitalizing on new opportunities.


TRAINING OUTCOME: Enhanced ability to drive innovation and foster a culture of creativity.

APPLICABLE ASSIGNMENT: Develop a proposal for an innovative project or initiative.

SKILL DEVELOPMENT: (A) Entrepreneurial Mindset, (B) Innovation Management, (C) Risk Assessment


MODULE 5: Building Trust and Reliability

TRUST MATTERS: Building Strong and Reliable Relationships

LEARNING OBJECTIVE Build trust and reliability to enhance collaboration and teamwork.



  1. The importance of credibility, integrity, and consistency in building trust.
  2. Strategies for building rapport and fostering open communication.
  3. Maintaining trust through transparency, accountability, and reliability.


TRAINING OUTCOME: Strengthened ability to build trust and foster strong relationships with people you work with most of the time

APPLICABLE ASSIGNMENT: Conduct a “Trust Audit” within your team or organization and develop an “Improvement Plan”.

SKILL DEVELOPMENT:  (A) Trust-Building, (B) Relationship Management, (C) Transparency


MODULE 6: Strategic Decision-Making

DECIDE WITH CLARITY: Strategies For Effective Decision-Making

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Develop the ability to make informed, strategic decisions aligned with organizational objectives.



  1. Understanding the decision-making process and common biases.
  2. Techniques for gathering and analyzing relevant data to inform decisions.
  3. Strategies for aligning decisions with organizational goals and values.


TRAINING OUTCOME: Enhanced ability to make strategic decisions that drive organizational success.

APPLICABLE ASSIGNMENT: Analyze a real-world case study and develop a strategic decision-making plan.

SKILL DEVELOPMENT:  (A) Decision-Making, (B) Critical Thinking, (C) Data Analysis 



LEAD WITH VISION: Inspiring Others to Follow

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Develop a clear, inspiring vision to guide and motivate your team.



  1. Articulating a compelling vision that inspires and motivates others.
  2. Strategies for communicating the vision effectively and gaining buy-in from stakeholders.
  3. Aligning actions and priorities with the overarching vision to drive results.


TRAINING OUTCOME: Enhanced ability to lead with vision and inspire others to action.

APPLICABLE ASSIGNMENT: Develop a vision statement for your team or organization and create an implementation plan.

SKILL DEVELOPMENT: (A) Visionary leadership, (B) Communication, (C) Strategic Alignment.



ENDURE & THRIVE: Building Resilience for Long-Term Success – Staying Strong in the Face of Adversity

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Develop resilience and endurance to overcome challenges and setbacks.



Strategies for building mental and emotional resilience.

Techniques for maintaining motivation and momentum during difficult times.

Build a support network and seek help when needed.


TRAINING OUTCOME: Strengthened ability to bounce back from setbacks and maintain focus on long-term goals.

APPLICABLE ASSIGNMENT: Develop a personal resilience plan and practice resilience-building exercises or simulations provided

SKILL DEVELOPMENT: (A) Resilience, (B) Perseverance, (C) Self-Care.


                                              OVERVIEW OF SECTION I 

  1. Participants Feedback: A small questionnaire will be provided to all participants 
  2. Module 1 to 8 Overview, Q&A Session, Reflection of the key learning points and applications from week 1 to 8
  3. First Progress Report: given to the employer



MODULE 9: Empowering Others

EMPOWER TO ELEVATE: Fostering Growth and Development – Unlocking Potential and Inspiring Excellence in Others

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Learn to empower and develop others to unleash their full potential.



  1. Understanding the importance of empowerment and its impact on motivation and performance.
  2. Strategies for delegating effectively and providing autonomy while maintaining accountability.
  3. Coaching and mentoring techniques to support the growth and development of team members.


TRAINING OUTCOME: Enhanced ability to empower and develop others to achieve excellence.

APPLICABLE ASSIGNMENT: Identify Opportunities for Delegation and empowerment within your team and develop an Implementation Plan.

SKILL DEVELOPMENT: (A) Empowerment, (B) Coaching, (C) Mentoring.


MODULE 10: Strategic Thinking

THINK STRATEGICALLY: Planning for Future Success –  Learn how to Anticipate Trends and Seizing Those Opportunities

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Develop strategic thinking skills to anticipate future trends and opportunities.



  1. Understanding the importance of strategic thinking in driving organizational success.
  2. Techniques for analyzing market trends, competitive landscapes, and emerging opportunities.
  3. Strategies for developing and executing long-term strategic plans.


TRAINING OUTCOME: Enhanced ability to think strategically and plan for future success.

APPLICABLE ASSIGNMENTS: Conduct a SWOT Analysis and Develop a Strategic Growth Plan for your organization.

SKILL DEVELOPMENT: (A) Strategic Thinking, (B) Analysis, (C) Planning


MODULE 11: Technology Integration

HOW LEADERS LEVERAGE TECHNOLOGY: Enhancing Leadership Effectiveness – Harnessing Tools for Communication and Collaboration

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Leverage technology to enhance leadership effectiveness and organizational performance.



  1. Identifying technology tools and platforms to streamline communication and collaboration.
  2. Strategies for integrating technology into leadership practices and decision-making processes.
  3. Techniques for staying current with technological advancements and trends.


TRAINING OUTCOME: Enhanced ability to leverage technology to lead effectively and achieve organizational objectives.

APPLICABLE ASSIGNMENTS: Identify technology gaps within your organization and develop a Technology Integration Plan.

SKILL DEVELOPMENT: (A) Technology Integration, (B) Digital Leadership, (C) Innovation skills


MODULE 12: Leading with Purpose

PURPOSE DRIVEN LEADERSHIP: Inspiring Meaningful Action –  Aligning Actions with Core Values

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Develop the ability to lead purposefully and inspire meaningful action among your team.



  1. Clarifying your organization’s purpose and core values.
  2. Communicating the importance of purpose and values to inspire motivation and commitment.
  3. Aligning actions and decisions with the overarching purpose to drive engagement and results.


TRAINING OUTCOME: Enhanced ability to lead with purpose and inspire meaningful action.

APPLICABLE ASSIGNMENTS: Develop a Purpose Statement for your team or organization and create a Plan for Embedding Purpose into Daily Operations.

SKILLS DEVELOPMENT: (A) Purpose-Driven Leadership, (B) Communication, (C) Alignment.


MODULE 13: Building High-Performing Teams

FOSTER TEAM EXCELLENCE: Strategies for High Performance – Creating a Culture of Collaboration and Achievement”

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Learn to build and lead high-performing teams that achieve exceptional results.



  1. Understanding the characteristics of high-performing teams and the factors that contribute to their success.
  2. Techniques for fostering a culture of collaboration, trust, and accountability within your team.
  3. Strategies for setting clear goals, roles, and expectations to maximize team effectiveness.


TRAINING OUTCOME: Enhanced ability to build and lead high-performing teams that drive organizational success.

APPLICABLE ASSIGNMENTS: Conduct a Team Assessment to identify strengths and areas for improvement and develop a Team Performance Plan.

SKILL DEVELOPMENT: (A) Team Leadership, (B) Collaboration, (C) Performance Management.


Module 14: Influential Leadership

Title: “Lead with Influence: Maximizing Impact and Influence”

Subtitle: “Building Relationships and Mobilizing Support”

Learning Objective: Develop the ability to lead with influence, gain buy-in, and mobilize support for your ideas and initiatives.


Key Learning Points:

  1. Understanding the principles of influential leadership and the importance of building solid relationships.
  2. Techniques for influencing others effectively, including persuasion, negotiation, and networking.
  3. Strategies for mobilizing support and rallying stakeholders behind your vision and objectives.


Training Outcome: Enhanced ability to lead with influence and drive change within your organization.

Applicable Assignment: Develop a stakeholder engagement plan for a critical project or initiative and implement strategies to gain buy-in and support.

Skill Development: (A) Influential Leadership, (B) Persuasion, (C) Basic Negotiation skills set


Module 15: Ethical Leadership

Lead with Integrity: Upholding Ethical Standards – Making Ethical Decisions and Inspiring Trust

Learning Objective: Learn to lead with integrity and uphold ethical standards in all aspects of your leadership role.


Key Learning Points:

  1. Understanding the importance of ethical leadership and its impact on organizational culture and reputation.
  2. Techniques for identifying ethical dilemmas and making moral decisions that align with core values.
  3. Strategies for fostering a culture of integrity and accountability within your team or organization.


Training Outcome: Enhanced ability to lead with integrity and inspire stakeholder trust.

Applicable Assignment: Conduct an ethical audit of your organization and develop a plan for addressing any identified gaps or issues.

Skill Development: (A) Ethical leadership, (B) decision-making, (C) integrity.


Module 16: Diversity and Inclusion Leadership

LEAD WITH DIVERSITY: Embracing Differences and Driving Inclusion – Fostering a Culture of Diversity and Belonging

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Develop the skills to lead diverse teams and create an inclusive work environment where everyone feels valued and respected.



  1. Understanding the importance of diversity and inclusion in driving innovation, creativity, and organizational performance.
  2. Techniques for recognizing unconscious bias and promoting inclusivity in hiring, promotion, and decision-making processes.
  3. Strategies for fostering a culture of diversity and belonging where all individuals can thrive and contribute their best. 

TRAINING OUTCOME: Enhanced ability to lead diverse teams and create inclusive work environments that drive organizational success.

APPLICABLE ASSIGNMENTS: Develop a Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan for your team or organization and implement Strategies to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in all aspects of operations.

SKILL DEVELOPMENT: (A) Diversity Leadership, (B) Inclusion, (C) Unconscious Bias Mitigation Skills 



1. Participants Feedback:  A small questionnaire wil
  1. Participants FeedbackA small questionnaire will be provided to all participants 
  2. Module 1 to 8 Overview, Q&A Session, Reflection of the key learning points and applications from week 1 to 8
  3. First Progress Reportgiven to the employer


PARTICIPANTS FEEDBACK:  A small questionnaire will be provided to gather honest feedback about the training program Sections 9-16

OVERVIEW OF MODULES 9-16:  The trainer will give an overview of modules 9-16, with a Q&A Session and a reflection on what is coming next

SECOND PROGRESS REPORT: The employer should receive a second progress report on the training programs and the participant’s engagement.


Module 17: Emotional Intelligence Mastery

Title:Lead with Empathy: Harnessing the Power of Emotional Intelligence

Subtitle:Understanding Emotions and Building Relationships

Learning Objective: Develop emotional intelligence to enhance self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and relationship management.

Key Learning Points:

  1. Understanding the components of emotional intelligence and their importance in leadership effectiveness.
  2. Techniques for developing self-awareness and self-regulation to manage emotions effectively.
  3. Strategies for cultivating empathy and building solid relationships based on trust and mutual respect.

Training Outcome: Enhanced emotional intelligence to lead with empathy and build strong, cohesive teams.

Applicable Assignment: Conduct a self-assessment of emotional intelligence and develop an improvement plan, incorporating feedback from peers and mentors.

Skill Development: (A) Emotional Intelligence, (B) Self-Awareness, (B) Empathy.


Module 18: Authentic Leadership

Title: “Lead with Authenticity: Being True to Yourself and Others”

Subtitle: “Building Trust and Credibility”

Learning Objective: Develop authentic leadership qualities to build trust, credibility, and loyalty among team members and stakeholders.

 Key Learning Points:

  1. Understanding the principles of authentic leadership and the importance of leading with integrity and transparency.
  2. Techniques for discovering and expressing your authentic leadership style, values, and beliefs.
  3. Build trust and credibility through consistent actions, open communication, and genuine connections.


Training Outcome: Enhanced ability to lead authentically and build trusting relationships with team members and stakeholders.

Applicable Assignment: Reflect on your leadership journey and identify opportunities to align your actions with your values and beliefs.

Skill Development: (A) Authentic leadership, (B) self-discovery, (C) trust-building.


Module 19: Strategic Networking

Title:Network with Purpose: Building Meaningful Connections

Subtitle:Expanding Your Influence and Opportunities

Learning Objective: Develop strategic networking skills to build meaningful connections, expand your influence, and create opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Key Learning Points:

  1. Understanding the importance of strategic networking in advancing your career and achieving your goals.
  2. Techniques for building and maintaining professional relationships, both online and offline.
  3. Strategies for leveraging your network to access new opportunities, resources, and support.

Training Outcome: Enhanced ability to network strategically and leverage your connections for personal and professional growth.

Applicable Assignment: Develop a networking plan outlining your goals, target connections, and strategies for building and nurturing relationships within your industry or profession.

Skill Development: (A) Networking, (B) relationship-building, (C) Communication.


Module 20: Crisis Leadership

Lead through Crisis: Navigating Challenges with Resilience – Maintaining Stability and Inspiring Confidence

Learning Objective: Develop crisis leadership skills to navigate challenges, maintain stability, and inspire confidence during times of uncertainty and adversity.


Key Learning Points:

  1. Understanding the principles of crisis leadership and its unique challenges and opportunities.
  2. Techniques for managing crisis communications, stakeholders, and resources effectively.
  3. Strategies for maintaining morale, stability, and focus amidst uncertainty and adversity.


Training Outcome: Enhanced ability to lead effectively through crises, maintain stability, and inspire confidence among team members and stakeholders.

Applicable Assignment: Develop a crisis management plan for your team or organization, including communication protocols, decision-making processes, and resource allocation strategies.

Skill Development: (A) Crisis leadership, (B) communication, (C) decision-making.


Module 21: Innovation Leadership


Lead with Innovation: Driving Creativity and Growth  – Creating a Culture of Innovation and Experimentation

Learning Objective: Develop innovation leadership skills to foster creativity, experimentation, and continuous improvement within your team or organization.


Key Learning Points:

  1. Understanding the importance of innovation in driving competitive advantage, growth, and sustainability.
  2. Techniques for fostering a culture of innovation, creativity, and experimentation within your team or organization.
  3. Strategies for identifying, prioritizing, and implementing innovative ideas and solutions.


Training Outcome: Enhanced ability to lead with innovation, driving creativity and growth within your team or organization.

Applicable Assignment: Conduct an innovation audit of your organization, identify areas for improvement, and develop a plan for fostering a culture of innovation and experimentation.

Skill Development: (A) Innovation leadership, (2)  creativity, (3) experimentation.


Module 22: Strategic Partnerships


Forge Strategic Partnerships: Collaborating for Success – Maximizing Opportunities and Resources

Learning Objective: Develop strategic partnership skills to identify, negotiate, and leverage mutually beneficial collaborations that drive organizational success.


Key Learning Points:

  1. Understanding the benefits and challenges of strategic partnerships and alliances.
  2. Techniques for identifying and evaluating potential partners, assessing compatibility, and aligning goals and objectives.
  3. Strategies for negotiating and managing partnerships effectively to maximize opportunities and resources.


Training Outcome: Enhanced ability to forge and manage strategic partnerships that drive organizational success.

Applicable Assignment: Identify potential strategic partners for your organization, conduct a partnership assessment, and develop a partnership proposal outlining mutual benefits and objectives.

Skill Development: (A) Strategic Partnerships (B) Negotiation, and  (C) Relationship Management.


Module 23: Leading Through Change


Lead through Change: Inspiring Resilience and Adaptability – Guiding Your Team through Transition and Transformation

Learning Objective: Develop change leadership skills to navigate transitions, inspire resilience, and foster adaptability within your team or organization. Key


Learning Points:

  1. Understanding the dynamics of change and its impact on individuals and organizations.
  2. Techniques for leading change effectively, including communication, stakeholder engagement, and change management strategies.
  3. Strategies for fostering resilience, adaptability, and innovation to thrive amidst change and uncertainty.


Training Outcome: Enhanced ability to lead through change, inspiring resilience and adaptability within your team or organization.

Applicable Assignment: Develop a change management plan for a specific organizational change initiative, including communication strategies, stakeholder engagement plans, and success measures.

Skill Development: (A) Change leadership, (B) resilience, (C) adaptability.


Module 24: Leading for Sustainable Impact

Lead for Impact: Creating Lasting Change and Legacy – Driving Sustainable Growth and Social Responsibility

Learning Objective: Develop leadership skills to drive sustainable impact, creating lasting change and legacy within your team, organization, and community.


Key Learning Points:

  1. Understanding the importance of sustainable leadership and its impact on organizational performance, growth, and social responsibility.
  2. Techniques for aligning organizational goals and objectives with broader societal and environmental imperatives.
  3. Strategies for driving sustainable growth, innovation, and social impact through ethical leadership, corporate social responsibility, and stakeholder engagement.


Training Outcome: Enhanced ability to lead for sustainable impact, driving lasting change and legacy within your team, organization, and community.

Applicable Assignment: Develop a sustainability action plan for your organization, outlining goals, strategies, and initiatives for driving sustainable growth, innovation, and social impact.

Skill Development: (A) Sustainable Leadership, (B) Corporate Social Responsibility, (C) Stakeholder Engagement.



PARTICIPANTS FEEDBACK:  A small questionnaire will be provided to gather honest feedback about the training program Sections 17-24

OVERVIEW OF MODULES 17-24:  The trainer will give an overview of modules 17-24, with a Q&A Session and a reflection on what is coming next

FINAL PROGRESS REPORT: The employer should receive the final progress report (3 of 3) on the training programs and the participant’s engagement.